Tag Archive: mexico

Secret Squirrel discovers the headlines,

“In Canada, the 8-Dollar Cauliflower Shows the Pain of Falling Oil Prices”

Well, Squirrel knows, Squirrel is wisdom, Squirrel knows it’s not the oil prices that affect the cauliflower prices, nay, the oil prices dropped, the cauliflower prices rose, the oil rises, the cauliflower price should drop? Does the price of gold fluctuate, no, gold rises and rises and rises, the precious metals, and so too Squirrel sees the precious Cauliflower. Indeed, in Canada, steamed, sautéed or stir-fried,or as a soup,in stews,breaded,fried and whatever, cauliflower is standard fare on many dinner tables. BUT,in Canada, it is a luxury.

As prices for commodities have dropped,oil and so forth, the value of the Canadian dollar has fallen, a direct link to an economy that is dependent on oil and other resources. It makes imports, like fresh American vegetables during the dark Canadian winter, look especially costly.The drought in California, where Canadians get most of their vegetables in the off-season, just compounds the sticker shock. With less bounty in the fields, farmers’ prices, in American dollars, are higher. The Canadians have even yet taken to buying up land in Mexico, farming it, with cheap, virtual slave underpaid if at all, labour, and there they grow food, whilst the Mexicans starve, and said food is then shipped cheaply in to the USA and Canada where it is sold to feed Canadians, and Americans, all whilst the Mexicans starve.

Well now. How does this effect us, the Brits,for example? Well, our cauliflower prices are but a pittance 49pence, which is .97 Canadian cents you know, a 50% drop. BUT recall, the 8 dollar cauliflower,so 8 dollar cauliflower to pence, give or take we’ll round the figures,t’is but a pittance to us, the 8 dollar cauliflower converted to pence works out to 8 x 49pence…3.95 pound………a 3.95 pound cauliflower……. nay, but said 8 dollar cauliflower converted to pounds is 3.95 pounds, less the .49pence…a profit fully of no less than 3.46 pounds/pence….said full 3.95 could buy, garnered from a single Cauliflower sold to a Canadian, 405.70 pence, or 4.05 pounds, so , starting with a seed cauliflower,even yet a single one, sold to the Canadians………and we profit profit profit, you see, the more cauliflowers sold to them at $8 Canadian, the merrier we are in solid British pounds! We convert the currency garnered to British pounds and buy yet more and more and ever increasingly, multiplying more, cauliflower!!

Now do you really need your cauliflower, couldn’t you like broccoli for example, perhaps psychologically looking at it as a green cauliflower,really, and thence part with your cauliflower and sell it to the Canadians, growing it anywhere and everywhere we,and you, could, and should, including the system of buying Mexican lands cheaply from the Mexican government, to grow it there and sell it to the Canadians. Why we would garner huge,absolutely huge, profits.

Yes, Squirrel knows, there is profit in confusion, Canada is a confused land, there is profit in Canada,there is profit in Cauliflower! Yes, please see Squirrel’s new, going soon to production, financial film, Cauliflower:The New Hope……..I’m working on it and shall have my cousin, George Lucas, produce and create it, as he has some experience in producing films.
As they say in Canada, never let it be said, that Squirrel, gave you a bum steer, nor a cheap cauliflower. And if our laggardly government would wisely engage in this,Squirrel’s cauliflower venture, and speculation,why the massive amounts of currency so garnered, would produce a Britain as sound as the pound.

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,MP,(Dunny On The Wold),
Minister For Re-Deranged Re-Engineering.

Secret Squirrel, always scanning the world papers for global news, economic,political, and technology wise, has noticed the headlines, which state, as found in the New York Times, that Americans have noticed that up in Canada, what with their collapsing depression era economy (Two years ago, one Canadian dollar was worth 93 American cents, on Wednesday, it stood at 69 American cents),that Iceberg lettuce in the colony of Canada, sells for 3 Canadian dollars, up from the typical 90 Canadian cents. One head of broccoli goes for $4, compared with $1.50 past. Last winter, a head of cauliflower was selling for 2.50 Canadian. But NOW, Cauliflower,in the colony of Canada, costs $8…………..much more than a barrel of oil.

Of course, this is all echoed and evidenced here in the New York Times article……

Squirrel has also noticed that BOTH the Americans and Canadians actually OWN farms in Mexico, farming them and thence importing food in to THEIR nations, in short Mexicans grow and supply them with food whilst starving themselves, and providing the exceptionally cheap farming labour. Squirrel proposes that what with this revelation,that BRITAIN do the same in Mexico as well, demanding equity and equality…and so on those farms planting, growing,harvesting and shipping, not to Britain, or the USA but to Canada, CAULIFLOWER, selling it to the Canadians at the $8 value, THENCE simply, buying up barrels and barrels of oil enormously cheaply, on the world market with the acquired Cauliflower as currency, and then selling THAT to the Americans and so garnering a HUGE profit. Canada is an enormously confused state, and with it’s new Prime Minister is in a total state of confusion, and Squirrel sees all, knows all, and knows this……………..there is profit in confusion.

Secret Squirrel,
MRL,MP,Dunny On The Wold,
Minister For Re-Deranged re-Engineering.

Secret Squirrel has had his attention brought to Mexico,the sad and sorry state it is in at the present,a touch worse and worsening than it is most of the time and has ever been historically.Indeed Mexicans have always been portrayed in US films as mostly criminals,drunks,drugged out and poor,and so it seems at  present it is across so very many levels, especially in the areas of the border near to America.It
seems,strangely, the populations there are really ruled,over ruled, and controlled by crime lords, much as in Somalia,who seem to be inundated with weapons of all sorts.The difference between Mexico and Somalia in that area, are that the Somali crime lords are visible, whilst the ones in Mexico remain invisible, but in all cases the crime lords rule they areas they are in.The Americans are becoming concerned and worried by the situation,and Mexico is in high visibility of US government view.

Look here at http://www.military.com/news/article…-collapse.html

Mexico is one of two countries that “bear consideration for a rapid and sudden collapse,” according to a report by the U.S. Joint Forces Command on worldwide security threats.The command’s “Joint Operating Environment (JOE 2008)” report, which contains projections of global threats and potential next wars, puts Pakistan on the same level as Mexico. “In terms of worse-case scenarios for the Joint Force and indeed the world, two large and important states bear consideration for a rapid and sudden collapse: Pakistan and Mexico.”The Mexican possibility may seem less likely, but the government, its politicians, police and judicial infrastructure are all under sustained assault and pressure by criminal gangs and drug cartels. How that internal conflict turns out over the next several years will have a major impact on the stability of the Mexican state. Any descent by Mexico into chaos would demand an American response based on the serious implications for homeland security alone.”

So at high levels this state of affairs was seen as developing.

A retired CIA operative,one Sylvia Longmire,has written and informative, enlightening, and perhaps predictable book,inflammatory in title, “Cartel: The Coming Invasion of Mexico’s Drug Wars”.

At http://www.talkingdrugs.org/a-retired-us-major-general-has-proposed-a-us-invasion-of-mexico

“A retired US Major General has proposed a US invasion of Mexico “to protect and secure the American people.” Major General Paul E. Vallely’s blinkered response to the increase in violence in Mexico, fuelled by US demands for illegal drugs, seems to overlook the failure that a military response has had to curb drug use in the past. He states “now if I were the Commander-in-Chief, I would be on a war-footing and I would have my military commanders planning and executing a strategy that will defeat swiftly and decisively these cancerous enemies.”
He further details, in an article written for the right-wing blog Family Security Matters, how he would conduct his military strategy to protect the USA. He states that the best strategy would be to position three “Border Task Force Groups” of 5000 “warriors” each on the US side of the border. These forces will “conduct offensive and defensive operations on the Mexican side of the border.” Interestingly the retired general does not think that these military incursions into Mexican territory would be in violation of any law and he cites the Posse Comitatus Act of 1848.General Vallely compares the violence in the northern states of Mexico to the lawlessness of 1846 and states “therefore, it is in the National interest of the United States to invade, and restore order because of this clear and present danger to US Citizens and our economy.” So clearly a military invasion of Mexico is in the mind and thoughts of the military.”

Gov. Rick Perry,of Texas,as far back as 2010,said he would support sending U.S. troops into Mexico to fight the drug war.He also repeated,at THAT TIME his frequent statement that he doesn’t want to be president. Asked if his refusal was “Shermanesque,” Perry didn’t seem to understand.”Shermanesque? Help me on that one,” Perry said.The reporter explained it meant if nominated he wouldn’t run, if
elected he wouldn’t serve.”How about Perryesque?” the governor said. “The fact of the matter is I’m not running for the presidency of the United States – don’t want to be the president of the United States.”Well It seemed it was Perryesque Shermanesque,or Shermanesque Perryesque as you will have it as he has entered his candidacy for the Office Of The President of The United States.Texas Gov. Rick Perry said Saturday,October 1st,2011 that he would consider sending U.S. troops into Mexico to combat drug-related violence and stop it from spilling into the southern United States.“It may require our military in Mexico,” Perry said in answer to a question about the growing threat of drug violence along the southern border. Perry offered no details, and a spokesman, Robert Black, said afterward that sending troops to Mexico would be merely one way of putting an end to the exploding cartel-related violence in the region.

Mexico has been invaded before by America and vast tracts of it’s territory were removed from it, and profiftable ares they were at that,perhaps now they consdier going in for it all? Well Let’s look at what set the American precedances for invasions of Mexico.

The Mexican–American War, also known as the First American Intervention, the Mexican War, or the U.S.–Mexican War, was an armed conflict between the United States and Mexico from 1846 to 1848 in the wake of the 1845 U.S. annexation of Texas, which Mexico considered part of its territory despite the 1836 Texas Revolution.American forces invaded New Mexico, the California Republic, and parts of what is currently northern Mexico; meanwhile, the American Navy conducted a blockade, and took control of several garrisons on the Pacific coast of Alta California, but also further south in Baja California.

Another American army captured Mexico City, and forced Mexico to agree to the cession of its northern territories to the U.S.The major consequence of the war was the forced Mexican Cession of the territories of Alta California and New Mexico to the U.S. in exchange for $18 million. In addition, the United States forgave debt owed by the Mexican government to U.S. citizens. Mexico accepted the Rio Grande as its national border, and the loss of Texas. Meanwhile gold was discovered in California, which immediately became an international magnet for the California Gold Rush.Quite a profitable undertaking,and it was, as casualties were enormous, but what with the gain, as always, were swept under the rug.

The idea of incorporating Mexico as several new states of the United States has existed ever since the Mexican–American War of 1846–1848, when the All Mexico Movement proposed annexing Mexico by force. Today this idea stresses the strong economic and political connections between Mexico and the United States and the high recurring cost of defending a 2,000-mile (3,200 km) border. In 1913 during border skirmishes between the United States and Mexico, it was proposed by some that the U.S. annex Chihuahua.Incorporating Mexico would add over 100million to the United Satates population, of a mostly subsistance living near starving extremely poor people,heavily equipped with guns of various varities,which have strangely multiplied greatly in recent years.

There have been various break away republics formed within Mexico,but they have been short lived as they were not supported,nor annexed.

The northeast region, consisting of the states of Tamaulipas, Coahuila, and Nuevo León (where claims about federal taxes and water usage are similar to the proposed U.S. states complaints) is frequently alleged to be more alike in general mentality to Texas than to the rest of

Mexico. These three states formed the core of the short-lived 19th century Republic of the Rio Grande.

In 1853, filibuster William Walker conquered the Mexican states of Baja California and Sonora with the intent of adding new slave states to the Union. Within three months he had incorporated both states into the independent Republic of Sonora, but a lack of support from the US Government and increasing pressure from the Mexican Government forced him to retreat.

Mexico could be invaded and annexed of sorts,and split in to states, thence admitted in whole or in part, in to the United States,but there are rules,it seesm they do have them for such doings.Following the precedent established by the Enabling Act of 1802, an Enabling Act must be passed by Congress as a prerequisite to admission. The act authorizes the people of a territory to frame a constitution, and lays down the requirements that must be met prior to consideration for statehood.In light of modern times and American designs, one can easily see the sudden emergence of several constitutions of the required nature, similar in required nature,appearing with great and mysterious speed and rapiditty.
Why would this occur, why ever would America attempt to absorb Mexico? Well Mexico, in spite of it’s people being poor, is rather like the Arab states, great in resources.Mexico, America’s southern neighbor, has been for centuries and continues to be a hellhole of political corruption, poverty and despair. It is indeed remarkable that a nation this vast, with great resources such as an abundance of oil (Mexico is a major petroleum producer), can be worse off than most Third World countries. It’s no secret that Mexico is routinely ranked as the most corrupt
country in the world, even surpassing Nigeria.Mexico is of a much greater vital interest to America than, say, Libya. And, ironically, Mexico also has large oil reserves,(need I mention this again?)and vast natural resources,resources such as petroleum, silver, copper, gold, lead, zinc, natural gas, timber.

Well………timberrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,there’s oil there, lots and lots of oil and so very close to the USA as well, just admirable for pipelines to suck the oil to the American oil companies,and if it’s one thing American oil companies like, and send the USA to wars of acquisition for, and control of, it’s oil. Well, let’s see the effects of invading Mexico, the possibilities,the probablities,the mechanics of the thing.

First. America has all along denied any purpose to interfere in the internal affairs of Mexico and the St. Louis platform declares against it. Intervention conveys the idea of such interference.And modern blow hard politicians no advocate such intervention,and should they achieve power can and will do it, indeed even yet Obama might.

Second. Intervention would be humiliating to many Mexicans whose pride and sense of national honor would resent severe terms of peace in case of being defeated in a war,which is what the interevention would be.Occupied or defeated, the Mexicans are heavily armed, even yet more heavily armed and spread out and in far greater numbers than were and are the Arabs of Iraq.

Third. American intervention in Mexico is extremely distasteful to all Latin America and might have a very bad effect upon Americas Pan-American program, of peace love and amistad and whatever they call not invading any iof them at any particular moment,for the time being,they’ll just have to be placated by telling them, “It won’t happen to you,Amistad lad!”.That’ll do it for sure, and it will too since there’s nothing they can do about it in either and all cases.

Fourth. Intervention, which suggests a definite purpose to “clean up” the country, would bind America to certain accomplishments,such as occupation, which circumstances might make extremely difficult or inadvisable,there being so very mandy weapons no round and about and in the hands of Mexicans at large,Mexicans who are wisely ,and ever increasingly,arming themselves with what ever they can get their hands on.

Fifth. Intervention also implies that the war,of intervention would be made primarily in the interest of the Mexican people,it being billed as such, while the fact is it would be an intervention America forces onthe Mexican Government, and, if we term it intervention, we will have considerable difficulty in explaining why we had not intervened before but waited until attacked.

Sixth. Intervention with America’s favorite attack group,the Coalition,the NATO Alliance attacking a nation for it’s own good, as in all the NATO partners, as in for the oil, share and share alike,which suits all of them just fine,and especially the oil companies who are the huge driving force between all of the present wars of acquisitional intervention(for………….oil).

Will there be an intervention, and invasion of Mexico? Yes I see it in the cards.An acquisitional war of intervention of Mexico? Ye,s but for control and acquisition of natural resources, especially the oil.Will there be an entire absorptive acquistion of Mexico? No,I see that as being far too expensive and a drain an America,a simple less costly occupation is the most likely course of events accomplishing, but at high cost in lives, yes, the control and acquistional farming of Mexico’s resources,especially of course, the oil,after all one simply just must make them pay for themselves for having necessitated the military intervention so indicated.I see that as the future of and for Mexico and Mexicans.

Secret Squirrel has turned his attention to the massive problem of illegal immigration in the United States,and has found that states are all for enacting and enforcing laws to deal with the rooting out, and deportation of, illegal immigrants,not in defiance of,in actuality, but also in concert with, the government of the United States,should it actually allow the states to do so,in particular as the government of Barack Obama, will not, and does not actually enforce existing the existing laws of America with respect to illegal immigration.In other words,what we actually find,as I mentioned in concert with, the so called controversial laws dealing with illegal immigration are very much paralleling lines the existing illegal immigration laws which for some reason the
government of Barack Obama, being sworn to uphold and enforce the same, won’t do,the federal laws of America.It seems Obama and the courts are irritated that States should parallel their laws, and then also,imagine, actually follow and enact them,and heavens forbid,enforce them.Squirrel also has found that whilst the government of Mexico objects to these laws,the government of Mexico itself has utterly and completely similar laws in effect, enacted, enforced laws, and even laws far greater in efforts, being in fact, thence, utterly Draconian,even yet Hitlerite by comparison.Squirrel also found that whilst Obama stands fast as a pinata for the Mexicans, and takes the criticism provided by the Mexican President, he does not attack the Mexican President for having similar laws and yet more Draconian laws, behaviour indicative of a man,of Barack Obama, being there for ineffectual,inadequate,sub standard,below par, as a President of the United States,the wrong man, not at any time, but for all time.But let’s look now at the enacted laws which the Mexican President objects to,and Obama as well, and thence also peruse the laws of the Mexican President,himself,of Mexico, and let’s then draw our conclusions as to all things having passed,and things which yet should be.

The governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer,was said to have defied Barack Obama to sign into law the toughest anti-immigration legislation in the US.
It is a bill that requires immigrants to carry documents to prove they are citizens, and will penalize employers taking on day workers who are illegal immigrants,among other things,however most of the provisions were blocked by
U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton included one requiring a police officer to determine the immigration status of a person detained or arrested if the officer believed the person was not in the country legally.Bolton also halted provisions requiring immigrants to carry their papers at all times and making it illegal for
people without proper documents to tout for work in public places.Effectively this pulls the teeth of the bill,and effectively protects the many illegal immigrants in Arizona. Brewer’s lawyers said the federal government hasn’t effectively enforced immigration law and that the state law will assist federal authorities.

“I remain steadfast in my belief that Arizona and other states have a sovereign right and obligation to protect their citizens and enforce immigration law in accordance with federal statute,” Brewer said in a statement.

The Governor’s Office said Brewer, Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne and their legal team — in conjunction with counsel for the Arizona Legislature — will be considering their legal options including appealing to a larger 9th Circuit panel or seeking an immediate petition for the U.S. Supreme Court to lift the injunction.
The bill’s author, state Sen. Russell Pearce, issued a statement saying the appeals court ruling was “utterly predictable.”

“SB 1070 is constitutionally sound, and that will be proven when the U.S. Supreme Court takes up this case and makes the proper ruling,” he said. “This battle is a battle of epic proportions. It is about a state’s right to enforce the laws of this land and protect its citizens from those who break our laws.”The Justice Department did not immediately comment.

Parts of the law blocked from taking effect while the case works its way through the courts include a provision requiring police to question people’s immigration status while enforcing other laws if there is a reasonable

suspicion they’re in the country illegally. Other provisions that are on hold include: requiring all immigrants to obtain or carry immigration registration papers; making it a state criminal offense for an illegal immigrant to seek work or hold a job; and allowing police to arrest suspected illegal immigrants without a warrant.In a separate opinion concurring with the panel’s ruling, Appeals Court Judge John T. Noonan noted the intent of the state statute is clear and goes beyond what federal law allows.”If we read Section 1 of the statute, the statute states the purpose of providing a solution to illegal immigration in the United States. So read, the statute is a singular entry into the foreign policy of the United States by a single state,” he wrote.

Judge Carlos Bea would uphold two of the provisions — those allowing police to question people about their immigration status and to make warrantless arrests — and wrote a pointed dissent.”As I see it, Congress has clearly expressed its intention that state officials should assist federal officials in checking the immigration status of aliens,” he wrote. He also included a footnote that quoted Lewis Carroll’s “Alice in Wonderland” to criticize what he called the majority’s convoluted reasoning.The passage of SB 1070 last year reignited an immigration debate that has simmered in Arizona and across the nation for years.Proponents called the law a long-overdue effort by a state that has been overburdened by illegal immigration and a lack of federal action on the issue.Others states, however, did follow Arizona’s lead,and commenced similar legislation, tired of Barack Obama’s do nothing government…The Alabama Senate on Thursday night
approved an Arizona-style immigration bill that would allow law enforcement officers to detain people they suspect of being in the country illegally.

Bill sponsor Sen. Scott Beason, R-Gardendale, said the state needs to address illegal immigration because the federal government has been unwilling or unable to do so.”I think the state is just letting people know we are going to do our best to aid in enforcement and try to begin to deal with the issue of illegal immigration,” Beason said.”With thousands of illegal immigrants in the state working, that’s thousands of jobs Alabamians could be holding,” Beason said.Beason and other supporters of the bill said the state needs to send a clear message that it will address illegal immigration. But opponents questioned the legality of the bill and said it would lead to racial profiling.The bill would make it illegal to employ, harbor, rent to or give a ride to an illegal immigrant with reckless disregard of the fact the person is in the country illegally.The bill would require police officers to verify a person’s immigration status from anyone they stop for a traffic violation or other infraction if there is “reasonable suspicion” the person is in the United States unlawfully. The officer would have to make a reasonable attempt to verify a person’s immigration status, and suspected illegal immigrants could be detained.Beason said those attempts would include tapping into state and federal databases to verify a person’s identity — such as verifying a person has a driver’s license if they didn’t have it with them.Georgia’s Senate also has followed suit,being fed up with Obama’s do nothing policies and approach to illegal
immigration,and approved an Arizona-style crackdown on illegal immigration.Like Arizona’s law, Georgia’s bill would empower police to question certain suspects about their immigration status. HB 87 also would penalize people who transport or harbor illegal immigrants or use fake identification to get a job here.

Georgia lawmakers argue such a crackdown is necessary because illegal immigrants are burdening public schools, jails and hospitals here. Proponents frequently point to a recent Pew Hispanic Center estimate that says Georgia is home to more illegal immigrants than Arizona at 425,000.Georgia, meanwhile, is among 30 states that have considered omnibus legislation targeting illegal immigration this year, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. In all, 52 such bills have been introduced nationwide. About three-quarters of them resemble Arizona’s SB 1070. So far, 14 of these bills have failed. And two have passed, both in Utah. Democrat President Obama criticized the state’s move as “misguided.” He said full-blown immigration reforms are necessary but not just now.So when is full blown immigration reform necessary, when all the illegals have become legals and there are not more yet to come?Imbecile………the federal government won’t enforce existing anti-illegal immigration laws, does little to halt to continuing flow of illegal immigrants,and forces the states to pay a share for the illegal immigrants,effectively then introducing them in to the states, encouraging them to enter the states, and then charges the states for things being what they are,and
not applying the monies to halting the illegal immigrant flow.Illegals are just that, they don’t belong in the country, they are illegal………they are therefor criminal,felons………

Ten million illegal immigrants live in the US, according to estimates by academic and government agencies, although Bear-Stearns investment firm analysts claim that the US illegal immigrant population “may be as high as 20 million people.”
About 75% of undocumented immigrants arrive across the US southern border with Mexico, and hail from Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Colombia and other Central and South American countries. The bulk…about 50% of all illegals….are Mexican-born people.Time magazine stated in 2004 that illegal immigration accelerated under the Bush Administration, with the US gaining 3 million additional illegal immigrant residents in 2004. A third of all illegal immigrants in the US live in California. Other states with large illegal populations are, in descending order, Texas, New York, Illinois, Florida and Arizona.Arizona illegal immigration law mirrors Federal law.One of the mast flagrant and sickening lies being circulated right now is that the new Arizona illegal immigration crackdown law is something new and unheard of. Thus, critics have cited it as being some kind of racist legislation aimed at anyone of “brown” skin.

However, taking this one step further to actually examine the legislation, which 99% of the critics have not, shows that the Arizona law mirrors existing federal law except that it finally gives it teeth at the state level.

The Washington Times reports the truth:

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough has an odd obsession for criticizing conservatives for calling Mr. Obama a “Nazi” all the time, yet he has no problem comparing the newly signed Arizona immigration law to “Nazi guards asking to see your papers.” Even President Obama did not go that far, but he did call the new law “misguided.”

On both accounts Mr. Scarborough is wrong. One day he will hopefully realize that LaRouche Democrats who attend various protests with Nazi images of Mr. Obama are not conservatives and Arizona’s new immigration enforcement law is designed to mirror federal immigration laws already in place.Federal law mandates that aliens register and carry their documentation. Arizona’s new law functions the same
way. Why hasn’t the MSNBC host called the federal law “Nazi” in nature?

“Let’s clarify what isn’t in the bill. The law does not give police officers any additional powers to stop or pull anybody over. You’re still going to have to abide by lawful contact,” said Bob Dane spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) , a Washington, D.C., based immigration nonprofit.

Mr. Dane made it clear that an officer of the law cannot simply walk up to an individual who is not committing a crime or traffic violation and ask the person for his or her legal status.This is nothing more than existing federal but giving the state of Arizona the right to enforce it. Therefore, the race-baiters and race-hustlers are dead wrong on this issue and should be clamoring about the federal statute if they have a real beef with it.

“Most police contact with the public happens [via motor-vehicle contact], so it’s not going to change the mechanical lawful process that a police officer goes through. He’s going to write you up if you are doing something wrong, like driving down the highway doing 90 miles on hour. He’s going to pull up and ask for license,
registration and documentation identity.Only after all of that are the police going to be required (he is now required under the law) to ask about immigration status, but then and only if the person has reasonable suspicion the person might be an illegal alien, and then, even then he can’t use as part of his reasonable suspicion, he can’t consider race, color, or national origin, as part of his suspicion.

President Obama has played the fear card as well as the race card on this issue to continue dividing the country as he’s been doing for months now. ABC News reports:

The president said, “you can try to make it really tough on people who look like they, quote, unquote look like illegal immigrants. One of the things that the law says is that local officials are allow to ask somebody who they have a suspicion might be an illegal immigrant for their papers — but you can imagine if you are a Hispanic American in Arizona, your great, great grandparents may have been there before Arizona was even a state. But now suddenly if you don’t have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream, you’re going to be harassed,
that’s something that could potentially happen.”

Perhaps you might get “harassed,” Mr. President, for taking your kid out for ice cream if you commit a crime while doing so. That’s about it. Law enforcement cannot stop someone on the street and demand papers or threaten to arrest them. So if you take your kids for ice cream and commit grand theft auto at the same time, yeah the police might “harass” you about some papers while they’re arresting you for an alleged crime.

However, if law enforcement catches an individual committing a crime, even as simple as speeding, they’re going to ask for a license and/or some form of identification. If you can’t produce such documentation within a reasonable time frame, then you can create a reasonable suspicion that perhaps you may be here illegally.President Obama’s criticism is unfounded and childish. He is purposely inciting fear among Hispanics with an aim toward the 2010 election. There is no basis for his criticism and he clearly has not read federal law which is what he took an oath to uphold.He complains about the carrying of documentation of ones person,.Hey here we’re not only referring to “illegals” who may lack the same,and it is the Mexicans who complain about this, but just look at other Mexican laws,Mexico demands that US citizens traveling inside the country must carry documentation with them at all times:

Entry to Mexico: As of March 1, 2010, all U.S. citizens – including children — must present a valid passport, book or card, for travel beyond the “border zone” into the interior of Mexico. Entry by any means, for example by plane or car, is included in this requirement. The “border zone” is generally defined as an area between 20 to 30 kilometers of the border with the U.S., depending on the location. Stays of less than 12 hours within the border zone do not require a visa or tourist card.

U.S. citizens traveling as tourists beyond the border zone or entering Mexico by air must pay a fee to obtain a tourist card, also known as an FM-T, available from Mexican border crossing points, Mexican tourism offices, airports within the border zone and most airlines serving Mexico.

Upon arrival in Mexico, business travelers must complete and submit a form (Form FM-N 30 days) authorizing the conduct of business, but not employment, for a 30-day period. Travelers entering Mexico for purposes other than tourism or business or for stays of longer than 180 days require a visa and must carry a valid U.S. passport. U.S. citizens planning to work or live in Mexico should apply for the appropriate Mexican visa.

I could be harassed in Mexico if I take my kids to get ice cream if I don’t have my papers! President Obama, will you stand of me when I get my kids Mexican ice cream in Guadalajara? How dare Mexican law demand I be carrying my passport at all times, shame on those racist Mexicans!Surely also,in the spirit of reciprocity, the United States could demand and enact the same with respect to Mexicans or whoever thence entering the United States from and through Mexico?The Mexicans do it, American can’t? Why not? Would Calderon scream if America enacted the same legislation,regulation?Yes! He does too,and,Obama,cowers in fear and caves in,But why?

The Mexicans have commented severely on these bills, with rhetoric and complaints to Obama, such as Mexico’s Foreign Ministry who said in a statement that it was worried about the rights of its citizens and relations with Arizona. Why whatever does Calderon do with his illegal immigrants? Well now,Mexican President Felipe Calderon denounced as “racial discrimination” an Arizona law giving state and local police the authority to arrest suspected illegal immigrants and vowed to use all means at his disposal to defend Mexican nationals against a law he called a “violation of human rights.”But the legislation, signed April 23 by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, is similar to Reglamento de la Ley General de Poblacion — the General Law on Population enacted in Mexico in April 2000, which mandates that federal, local and municipal police cooperate with federal immigration authorities in that country in the arrests of illegal immigrants.

Under the Mexican law, illegal immigration is a felony, punishable by up to two years in prison. Immigrants who are deported and attempt to re-enter can be imprisoned for 10 years. Visa violators can be sentenced to six-year terms. Mexicans who help illegal immigrants are considered criminals.The law also says Mexico can deport foreigners who are deemed detrimental to “economic or national interests,” violate Mexican law, are not “physically or mentally healthy” or lack the “necessary funds for their sustenance” and for their dependents.“This sounds like the kind of law that a rational nation would have to protect itself against illegal immigrants — that would stop and punish the very people who are violating the law,” said Rep. Steve King of Iowa, ranking Republican on the House Judiciary subcommittee on immigration, citizenship, refugees, border security and international law.“Why would Mr. Calderon have any objections to an Arizona law that is less draconian than his own, one he has pledged to enforce?” Mr. King said.

Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona, the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary subcommittee on terrorism and homeland security, described Mr. Calderon’s comments as “hypocritical to say the least.”“I would have expected more from Mr. Calderon,” said Mr. Kyl, who serves as the Senate minority whip. “We are spending millions of dollars to help Mexico fight the drug cartels that pose a threat to his government, and he doesn’t seem to recognize our concerns. He ought to be apologizing to us instead of condemning us.” Rep. Ted Poe, Texas Republican and a member of the House Judiciary and Foreign Affairs committees, described Mr. Calderon’s criticism as “arrogant and hypocritical.” He said Mexico’s immigrations laws are “even tougher than those in the United States” and it was inappropriate to denounce the Arizona law when “Mexico does the very same thing.”

Rep. John Culberson, a Texas Republican who has advocated for stricter border enforcement policies, said the Arizona law was enacted as a result of the nation’s “failed immigration policies.”“We should focus our time and resources on enforcing policies that work, like zero tolerance, which has reduced crime and illegal immigration dramatically along our southern border,” he said.Ricardo Alday, a spokesman at the Mexican Embassy in Washington, did not return calls for comment.
But the embassy has said the Mexican government is “deeply concerned by the potential dire effects” that the Arizona law will have on the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States — about 450,000 of them in Arizona.Indeed, because, from Arizona, they’d be getting them back,no thanks to Obama, from Arizona for that,nor from Mexico for them.What does Calderon do with his illegals….
Mexican President Felipe Calderon has accused Arizona of opening the door “to intolerance, hate, discrimination and abuse in law enforcement.” But Arizona has nothing on Mexico when it comes to cracking down on illegal aliens.Well now, the dark pot has commented on the white enamel kettle, indeed, Arizona having much softer,milder laws with respect to illegal immigrants, than does,indeed, Mexico have.Does Obama mention this in defense of Arizona, in efforts to rid Arizona, and America, of the illegal immigrants?No, he doesn’t.

While open-borders activists decry new enforcement measures signed into law in Arizona last week, they remain deaf, dumb or willfully blind to the unapologetically restrictionist policies of our neighbors to the south.The Arizona law bans sanctuary cities that refuse to enforce immigration laws, stiffens penalties against illegal alien day laborers and their employers, makes it a misdemeanor for immigrants to fail to complete and carry an alien registration document, and allows the police to arrest immigrants unable to show documents proving they are in the U.S. legally. If those rules constitute the racist, fascist, xenophobic, inhumane regime that the National Council of La Raza, Al Sharpton, Catholic bishops and their grievance-mongering followers claim, then what about these regulations and restrictions imposed on foreigners?

– The Mexican government will bar foreigners if they upset “the equilibrium of the national demographics.” How’s that for racial and ethnic profiling?

– If outsiders do not enhance the country’s “economic or national interests” or are “not found to be physically or mentally healthy,” they are not welcome. Neither are those who show “contempt against national sovereignty or security.” They must not be economic burdens on society and must have clean criminal histories. Those seeking to obtain Mexican citizenship must show a birth certificate, provide a bank statement proving economic independence, pass an exam and prove they can provide their own health care.Imagine,America’s is much easier as in, “Do you know what the American national anthem is?”, “Si.” “Eh?” “Si”, “You’re in”.It seems maintaining the high standard the Mexicans do, would be and is too much for America, too Nazi,too cruel,too restrictionist?The Mexicans would say so were it so.

– Illegal entry into the country is equivalent to a felony punishable by two years’ imprisonment. Document fraud is subject to fine and imprisonment; so is alien marriage fraud. Evading deportation is a serious crime; illegal re-entry after deportation is punishable by ten years’ imprisonment. Foreigners may be kicked out of the country without due process and the endless bites at the litigation apple that illegal aliens are afforded in our country (see, for example, President Obama’s illegal alien aunt — a fugitive from deportation for eight years who is
awaiting a second decision on her previously rejected asylum claim)All of these provisions are enshrined in Mexico’s Ley General de Población (General Law of the Population) and were spotlighted in a 2006 research paper published by the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Security Policy. There’s been no public clamor for “comprehensive immigration reform” in Mexico, however, because pro-illegal alien speech by outsiders is prohibited.But under the Mexican constitution, such political speech by foreigners is banned. Noncitizens cannot “in any way participate in the political affairs of the country.” In fact, a plethora of Mexican statutes enacted by its congress limit the participation of foreign nationals and companies in everything from investment, education, mining and civil aviation to electric energy and firearms. Foreigners have severely limited private
property and employment rights (if any).

As for abuse, the Mexican government is notorious for its abuse of Central American illegal aliens who attempt to violate Mexico’s southern border. The Red Cross has protested rampant Mexican police corruption, intimidation and bribery schemes targeting illegal aliens there for years. Mexico didn’t respond by granting mass amnesty to illegal aliens, as it is demanding that we do. It clamped down on its borders even further. In late 2008, the Mexican government launched an aggressive deportation plan to curtain illegal Cuban immigration and human trafficking through Cancun.

At the same time, Article 67 of Mexico’s immigration law requires that all authorities “whether federal, local or municipal” demand to see visas if approached by a foreigner and to hand over migrants to immigration authorities.Mexican law calls for six to 12 years of prison and up to $46,000 in fines for anyone who shelters or transports illegal immigrants. The Supreme Court ruled in 2008 that the law applies only to people who do it for money.All of the above runs contrary to what Mexican leaders are demanding of the United States. The stark contrast between Mexico’s immigration practices versus its American immigration preachings is telling. It gives a clear picture of the Mexican government’s agenda: to have a one-way immigration relationship with the United States.

The Mexicans actively encourage illegal immigration to the United States,
In 2005 the government of Yucatan produced a handbook and DVD about the risks and implications of crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. The guide told immigrants where to find health care, how to get their kids into U.S. schools, and how to send money home. Officials in Yucatan said the guide is a necessity to save lives but some American groups accused the government of encouraging illegal immigration

In 2005 the Mexican government was criticized for distributing a comic book which offers tips to illegal aliens emigrating to the United States.[39] That comic book recommends to illegal immigrants, once they have safely crossed the border, “Don’t call attention to yourself. … Avoid loud parties. … Don’t become involved in
fights.” The Mexican government defends the guide as an attempt to save lives. “It’s kind of like illegal immigration for dummies,” said the executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, Mark Krikorian. “Promoting safe illegal immigration is not the same as arguing against it.” The comic book does state on its last page that the Mexican Government does not promote illegal crossing at all and only encourages visits to the U.S. with all required documentation.

On the other hand Mexico has totally similar laws, and far heavier,much more draconian laws as well internally, and these are issues Barack Obama takes fright from, and won’t dare to offer any criticize or objection to, Look now,Mexico’s Hypocritical President is upset because Arizona wants to enforce immigration laws, and help stop illegal immigration into the US. This is quite ironic, and disturbing, considering Mexico has the toughest immigration laws on the continent.

From Newsmax:

Mexican President Felipe Calderon’s office said in a statement Saturday that “the Mexican government condemns the approval of the law” and “the criminalization of migration, far from contributing to collaboration and cooperation between Mexico and the state of Arizona, represents an obstacle to solving the shared problems of the border region.”

Arizona has an estimated 460,000 illegal immigrants and is the state with the most illegal border crossings, with the harsh, remote desert serving as the gateway for thousands of Mexicans and Central Americans.

From Canada Free Press:

Mexico has a single, streamlined law that ensures that foreign visitors and immigrants are:

in the country legally;

have the means to sustain themselves economically;

not destined to be burdens on society;

of economic and social benefit to society;

of good character and have no criminal records; and

contributors to the general well-being of the nation.

The law also ensures that:

immigration authorities have a record of each foreign visitor;

foreign visitors do not violate their visa status;

foreign visitors are banned from interfering in the country’s internal politics;

foreign visitors who enter under false pretenses are imprisoned or deported;

foreign visitors violating the terms of their entry are imprisoned or deported;

those who aid in illegal immigration will be sent to prison.

If the United States adopted such statutes, Mexico no doubt would denounce it as a manifestation of American racism and bigotry,but in having the same,and even yet more Draconian laws, Mexico is manifesting racism and bigotry, and even yet, Nazism amongst it’s fascism.

We looked at the immigration provisions of the Mexican constitution.Now let’s look at Mexico’s main immigration law.

Mexico welcomes only foreigners who will be useful to Mexican society:

Foreigners are admitted into Mexico “according to their possibilities of contributing to national progress.”

(Article 32)

Immigration officials must “ensure” that “immigrants will be useful elements for the country and that they have the necessary funds for their sustenance” and for their dependents. (Article 34)

Foreigners may be barred from the country if their presence upsets “the equilibrium of the national demographics,” when foreigners are deemed detrimental to “economic or national interests,” when they do not behave like good citizens in their own country, when they have broken Mexican laws, and when “they are not found to be physically or mentally healthy.” (Article 37)

The Secretary of Governance may “suspend or prohibit the admission of foreigners when he determines it to be in the national interest.” (Article 38)Mexican authorities must keep track of every single person in the country:

Federal, local and municipal police must cooperate with federal immigration authorities upon request, i.e., to assist in the arrests of illegal immigrants. (Article 73)

A National Population Registry keeps track of “every single individual who comprises the population of the country,” and verifies each individual’s identity. (Articles 85 and 86)

A national Catalog of Foreigners tracks foreign tourists and immigrants (Article 87), and assigns each individual with a unique tracking number (Article 91).Foreigners with fake papers, or who enter the country under false pretenses, may be imprisoned:

Foreigners with fake immigration papers may be fined or imprisoned. (Article 116)

Foreigners who sign government documents “with a signature that is false or different from that which he normally uses” are subject to fine and imprisonment. (Article 116)Foreigners who fail to obey the rules will be fined, deported, and/or imprisoned as felons:

Foreigners who fail to obey a deportation order are to be punished. (Article 117)

Foreigners who are deported from Mexico and attempt to re-enter the country without authorization can be imprisoned for up to 10 years. (Article 118)

Foreigners who violate the terms of their visa may be sentenced to up to six years in prison (Articles 119, 120 and 121). Foreigners who misrepresent the terms of their visa while in Mexico — such as working with out a permit — can also be imprisoned.

Under Mexican law, illegal immigration is a felony. The General Law on Population says,

“A penalty of up to two years in prison and a fine of three hundred to five thousand pesos will be imposed on the foreigner who enters the country illegally.” (Article 123)

Foreigners with legal immigration problems may be deported from Mexico instead of being imprisoned. (Article 125)

Foreigners who “attempt against national sovereignty or security” will be deported. (Article 126)Mexicans who help illegal aliens enter the country are themselves considered criminals under the law:

A Mexican who marries a foreigner with the sole objective of helping the foreigner live in the country is subject to up to five years in prison. (Article 127)

Shipping and airline companies that bring undocumented foreigners into Mexico will be fined. (Article 132)

All of the above runs contrary to what Mexican leaders are demanding of the United States The stark contrast between Mexico’s immigration practices versus its American immigration preachings is telling. It gives a clear picture of the Mexican government’s agenda: to have a one-way immigration relationship with the United States.

As for the illegal immigrants in America, the government of Barack Obama Our government has no plan for these people to to ever return to their homeland. To make matters worse, the Federal Government is threatening to grant amnesty to millions of ex-guest workers who apparently forgot to go home once their visas expired, and to others who simply crossed our border illegally.
Amnesty has already been granted in 1986 to over 4 million illegal aliens who had managed to evade our justice system for four or more years. The same thing is happening all over again, only this time it’s over 20 million illegals and we’re calling it Guest Worker Program. The amnesty offered in 1986 was supposedly the last amnesty to be. Since then, the rate of illegal immigration has exploded to it’s current level. Granting amnesty this time is a guarantee that the exact same thing will continue to happen over and over again. By rewarding lawlessness, we
are simply inviting more of the same.Again the Mexican President, encourages,and cajoles Obama into providing amnesty for his illegal Mexican immigrants.

AMNESTY means never having immigration enforcement!

Let’s call Mexico’s bluff on its unwarranted interference in U.S. immigration policy,let all nations standardize their immigration laws by using Mexico’s own law as a model.So by law, we see he,Calderon, does the same,as the state laws of America, as the laws of America, and thence also very much worse.Yet Obama does not criticize him,Obama, does not dare,Obama lives in fear of Calderon, and his remarks,and his criticism.Yes,Calderon defies Obama in criticism of him,berates,belittles, and treats him like a pinata,something he could never ever do to a man, to men, like The Bush.But yet also the Arizona governor,and the governors of other states,hurl defy at Barack Obama, with responsive,effective,tough new anti-immigration laws,right and proper laws,necessary laws, laws THEY are willing to enforce,men (and women),of action,men( and women), of strength,and resolve. Will Obama solve America’s woes, America’s problems with illegal immigration?No!He’s there.But like genitals on a priest, he’s just there for the show.If Obama won’t enforce his own federal illegal immigration laws,as he doesn’t,laws he’s sworn to enforce and uphold,if he won’t allow the States to enforce them,if he can’t stand up to a ridiculous impotent Mexican President,as he, Obama,doesn’t, he,Obama,doesn’t merit being President, and next election, the American people those of all the states, must stand and be counted, counted in the numbers who cast a vote, a scream that says, “Hell No! Obama Must Go!”Americans,all Americans, must at least do that much.Things can’t get worse.

Secret Squirrel has learned, through perusal of a CBS News item, that the Mexican Government,of it’s present President,one  Felipe Calderon, has retained an American law firm to explore filing civil charges against U.S. gun manufacturers and distributors over the flood of guns crossing the border into Mexico.Not that it matters any but there is a law in America, in effect,a law which has been applied several times, The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act,and this law, brought in under the Bush
era,would bar that kind of lawsuit from the start. The law, passed in 2005 has resulted in several lawsuits against gun makers being dismissed.Sources familiar with the case say the law firm retained by Mexico – New York based Reid Collins & Tsai – believes the federal law won’t stand in the way of their case.Mexico’s actions are a “novel approach,” in reality, such lawsuits have been used for decades as a tactic by anti-gun groups and governments in their attempts to bankrupt gun manufacturers and circumvent the political process.

That’s why Congress passed the “Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act” in 2005.  This act protects firearms manufacturers, distributors, dealers and importers from suits brought about as a result of “the harm solely caused by the criminal or unlawful misuse of firearm products or ammunition products by others when the product functioned as designed and intended.”  The outlook for a Mexican government suit looks dim; since the PLCAA was signed into law by President George W. Bush on Oct. 26, 2005, no federal court has allowed such a suit by a government plaintiff to go forward against a U.S. firearms manufacturer.

The Mexican government’s plans for a lawsuit extend at least back to November 2, 2010, when a contract with the law firm was signed.  Unfortunately for the Mexican government, the possible lawsuit has come to light at the same time as diplomatic cables newly made available by Wikileaks, which have shown that drug cartels obtain much of their weaponry from Central American arsenals.

One such cable, recently publicized by Mexico City newspaper La Jornada, addresses a frequently heard claim about the origin of guns used in Mexico’s crime wave.  The cable’s author writes, “Claims by Mexican and U.S. officials that upwards of 90 percent of illegal recovered weapons can be traced back to the U.S. is based on an incomplete survey of confiscated weapons.  In point of fact, without wider access
to the weapons seized in Mexico, we really have no way of verifying these numbers.”
This information comes to light only weeks after another cable publicized by La Jornada revealed that 90 percent of the drug cartels’ “heavy armament,” such as grenades and rocket launchers, originates in Central America and enters Mexico through its Southern border with Guatemala.  Bolstering these claims, IHS Global Insights reported on April 6 that the head of U.S. Southern Command, General Douglas Fraser, testified before the Senate that over 50 percent of the military grade weapons in the region originated from Central America.Mexico is a virtual arms bazaar, with fragmentation grenades from South Korea, AK-47s from China, and shoulder-fired rocket launchers from Spain, Israel and former Soviet bloc manufacturers.La Hora, a Guatemalan newspaper, reported that police seized 500 grenades and a load of
AK-47s on the border. Police say the cache was transported by a Mexican drug cartel operating out of Ixcan, a border town.Russian crime organizations. Interpol says Russian Mafia groups such as Poldolskaya and Moscow-based Solntsevskaya are actively trafficking drugs and arms in Mexico.

Many of the fully automatic weapons that have been seized in Mexico cannot be found in the U.S., but they are not uncommon in the Third World.The Mexican government said it has seized 2,239 grenades in the last two years — but those grenades and the rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) are unavailable in U.S. gun shops. The ones used in an attack on the U.S. Consulate in Monterrey in October and a TV station in
January were made in South Korea. Almost 70 similar grenades were seized in February in the bottom of a truck entering Mexico from Guatemala.

“Most of these weapons are being smuggled from Central American countries or by sea, eluding U.S. and Mexican monitors who are focused on the smuggling of semi-automatic and conventional weapons purchased from dealers in the U.S. border states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California,” according to a report in the Los Angeles Times.

Christopher Renzulli of New York, who has represented U.S. gun makers for fifteen years, says he believes this would be a difficult case for the Mexican government to win.It would make sense that the Mexicans and their legal friends couldn’t win, not only due to the law being in place not even yet allowing suit, but,it is fundamental logic that the gun makers can’t prevent somebody from selling or giving said guns
to the Mexicans.But then Mexicans are hardly logical, and the law firm being what it is,will take anybody’s money,for any case,obviously,considering they are taking up a case for the foreign government of Mexico,against America and American firms.Indeed, if the gun firms could and did,refuse to sell guns to Mexicans, the Mexican president would be suing claiming it was discrimination against Mexicans in
America,and that Mexicans had the same rights as Americans in procuring guns, and whatever else could come to his mind,being what he is,intelligent,perhaps, or not, as is most certainly likely.Recall The Mexicans complained when America started building a high fence to prevent Mexicans from illegally entering the US.At that time they claimed this was discrimination against the Mexicans, in effect keeping them in Mexico,and illegally out of America,this was under then Mexican President, Vincente Fox.But we of course,see things differently, the fence would be a grand idea to continue round and about as it would keep Mexicans from illegally entering the United States, and of course, it would much more handily keep guns from getting to the Mexicans, which may irritate the Mexican President at this point.It seems that
Calderon believes the guns enter Mexico from across the Mexican American border, either across in a reverse wetbacking fashion, or through in reverse fashion, the drug infiltration tunnels, or flown in by air seemingly passing any Mexican security to prtevent such things.The National Shooting Sports Foundation, a trade association for the firearms industry, issued a statement saying it “respects the work of President Calderon to willingly take on his country’s powerful drug cartels. However, we are
disappointed that he would seek to hold law-abiding American companies responsible for crime in Mexico.”The association also denied that most of the guns used for crime in Mexico come from the United States.

In either case, the drug lords,and gangs, are getting their hands on a great many guns, and using them as well in the pursuit of their favorite pass time in Mexico, the drug trade which they then pedal in to the United States,across the border. Calderon is not prepared to believe that the guns enter from,say, the sea ports, but it is known that many of the guns are actually European in origins, Soviet AK 47’s,Belgian guns, even yet Israeli guns have shown up,guns of all kinds and types. Mexican authorities have
investigated reports that some were supplied by arms dealers in Israel and Belgium.

The plot thickens,however, and here we do have an interesting development.In a related legal move, Mexico’s Attorney General is demanding the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives turn over the names of its agents who participated in its “Operation Fast and Furious.”During the covert operation last year, ATF agents allowed smugglers to sneak about 2,000 guns into Mexico so they could be traced to suspected criminals and drug cartels.Although the operation helped U.S. law enforcement agents identify criminals, it also resulted in some of the guns being used for murders and other crimes, according to Mexican police.Mexico’s Attorney General did not say why he wanted the names of participating law officers, but the Mexican news media is speculating he will try to sue them or press charges against them.So far, the U.S. Justice Department has refused to reveal the names of Fast and
Furious agents.President Felipe Calderon expressed his frustration to CBS News correspondent Peter Greenberg: “We seized more than 90,000 weapons…I am talking like 50,000 assault weapons, AR -5 machine guns, more than 8,000 grenades and almost 10 million bullets. Amazing figures and according to all those cases, the ones we are able to track, most of these are American weapons.”Unquestionably some of the guns do come from America, the great majority of the traceable ones, as Americans guns are just that, traceable, the rest are not, not being American guns, and the vast majority of the guns are not American guns.Indeed, the grenades were not America,and as for Armalite, this was and is a weapon supplied, oddly enough, to many revolutionaries, by one Fidel Castro, and no doubt, a tradition continued by his
brother,they’re in to the more modern AR-10, but for Mexicans the Ar-5 will just have to do.They’ve alsoseized many of the famous and prolific AK 47’s. In short, the Mexicans have a problem, a problem which is beyond them,but it is not a problem of the Mexican selected American arms manufacturers,but rather those of foreign manufacturers whom the Mexican President does not choose to sue, nor blame.He’s the American equivalent of the Mohamed Al Fayed the British have, in short, perhaps if they give the Mexican  President American citizenship, perhaps he will withdraw his ridiculous attempts to sue,for what ever.